Apricity Magazine

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Deadline for Volume 9 Print Consideration

Literary Arts – January 5, 2025

Visual Arts – January 5, 2025

Performing Arts – January 5, 2025


We welcome comprehensive use of English and other languages. If your piece contains non-English languages, please include an English translation. Though we are an international magazine, our staff’s common language is English.

We also welcome works previously published elsewhere. 

  • If a piece you submit has been accepted by another publication, we will credit the other publication.
  • If we accept your piece before it has been accepted by another publication, we request that the other publication credits Apricity Magazine upon publication of the piece.
  • If a piece you submit is accepted by a publication that claims sole publishing rights, please let us know so that we may remove it from consideration. (Do note, however, that most publications allow re-prints as long as the original publisher is credited.)

Works are considered on a rolling basis. All pieces submitted will be considered for online publication.  After the deadline for print publication passes, we will consider all pieces submitted before the deadline that were accepted for online publication for print publication.

Kindly keep author bios to under 50 words. 

Please note that Apricity Magazine is not active during the summer (from late May to late August). Any pieces submitted during this time will not be evaluated until the fall.

We will not tolerate any form of plagiarism.


Submitting to Apricity Magazine is an automatic agreement to our guidelines and our terms of Author’s Rights. We reserve electronic rights and first North American serial rights. We also reserve exclusive rights for a three month period after publication of your piece on our website. We also reserve the right to publish content submitted to us on our social media platforms and both our online and print magazines. 

We will hold all admitted online content for 2 years before removing it from our site due to online space capacity, although we will create a public record of published works and authors so that authors may still cite Apricity Magazine

Apricity Magazine